Goodbye June
We are well in to the summer here in the UK, and so far we have been blessed with plenty of sunshine, lets hope it continues! I can't believe June is already over, time just seems to fly by at the moment, it is also unbelievably 3 months since I started this blog! I knew over time a quiet style would evolve, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly, and there are already changes I want to make. To start with, I have decided to change the Make menu heading to Photography, for two reasons, firstly my sewing machine is collecting dust and my fabric collection remains untouched, as for now at least, I just can't find the time to make anything. However, as you have no doubt already noticed, in stolen moments when Dottie is sleeping, or on the way to pick Elvia up from school, I am finding the time to take photographs. Instagram has ignited a passion in me, I think after 25 years of looking, I might have found something that enjoy, and I am actually reasonably ok at! I have also started to notice the photography of others, and when I come across a photographer that I love, I want to share that with you here.
So on that note, today's post is a little montage of some of my favourite photos from my June instagram feed, I hope you like them.
If you have any thoughts on the changes, please do let me know. Enjoy the rest of the week.
Emma x