My Favourite Space

I felt very honoured recently to be asked by the lovely Mel from the gorgeous Armoire, Pegs & Casserole blog, if I would like to be featured in her regular My Space column.  If you haven't already, you really must take a little look at Mel's blog, there are some beautiful interior posts, loads of original content and some delicious recipes. For the My Space column, Mel asks the featured person to take a photo or two of their favourite space in their home (anything from a table to a whole kitchen) and to write a few words about it. The other spaces she has featured are absolutely gorgeous, you really must have a look.  As you may remember, I featured my favourite room in our house a few weeks ago, and although that genuinely is my favourite room as a whole, it isn't actually my favourite space.  That honour goes to a little spot in the garden, below are a couple of the photos I took, but you can see more and find out why it is my favourite space, if you pop over to Armoire, Pegs & Casserole.


I love the luxury of having a vase of flowers on the garden table, these ones are still going strong from my visit to the Flower Farm.


What do you think?  Anyone else partial to a bit of al fresco cake eating?

By the way, today was the last day of the school summer holidays, so normal blog service should resume! I can't believe they are over, the time has flown by and I feel like we didn't do nearly enough. I love having Elvia, my eldest at home, so I am feeling sad that she will be back at school tomorrow, and if I'm honest I dread the mornings, It doesn't seem to matter what time you get up, there is always a last minute rush. And lets just say, when it comes to the requests to Elvia to get ready, I now understand the meaning of the phrase 'I'm sick of the sound of my own voice'!  I guess on the plus side, the way time passes at the moment, it will be half term before we know it!

If you are back in the school routine, good luck, and I hope you had a lovely time over the summer.

Emma x